Search across all programs and platforms with dokoni FIND

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Search across all programs and platforms with dokoni FIND

Search across all programs and platforms with dokoni FIND

The SSP AG is one of the leading Integrated Design studios in Germany with around 120 architects, engineers and industry experts. SSP were looking for a tool that enables them to search across all programs and different file formats and found with dokoni FIND from Konica Minolta a suitable solution. dokoni FIND is able to support the existing structures and work processes of their quality management without making too many changes. Furthermore it helps them to save time, since they can search and find all relevant documents – independent of format or storage location.

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“We were looking for a tool that would be able to support the existing structures and work processes of our quality management without making too many changes. At first, we were not able to find such a solution until we started the project with konica minolta. Their dokoni find solution enables us to perform fast, complexes searches, as all our existing files are in the program index. With dokoni find, our employees can search across all programs directly through one interface to get not only faster results, but which can also be better processed.”

Sebastion Krewerth

IT-Administration, SSP AG, Germany

SSP AG - search across all programs and platforms with dokoni FIND

The SSP AG is one of the leading Integrated Design studios in Germany with around 120 architects, engineers and industry experts. SSP were looking for a tool that enables them to search across all programs and different file formats and found with dokoni FIND from Konica Minolta a suitable solution. dokoni FIND is able to support the existing structures and work processes of their quality management without making too many changes. Furthermore it helps them to save time, since they can search and find all relevant documents – independent of format or storage location.


  • Faster and complex performance possible as all existing files are in the program index 
  • Employees can search across all programs and platforms directly through one interface which saves them time 
  • Increased employee satisfaction 



SSP AG was looking for a tool, which supports the existing structures and work processes of their quality management 



Implementation of dokoni FIND