Load balancing with BENS Spool Software installation for Mülheim. ülheim an der Ruhr is a city of around 170,000 people in North RhineWestphalia, Germany. It is home to the headquarters of many companies, mainly from the food industry, such as Aldi Süd, the Harke Group and the Tengelmann Group. Favoured for its geological location, the city is surrounded by countless beautiful recreation areas, meadows, parks and forests, which occupy more than half of its total area.
Mülheim city council's municipal administration for companies and residents has its very own print shop, which is primarily used to meet its own needs. These needs range from folders, posters and brochures for the various departments to general public announcements, electoral documents and general correspondence. An efficient software system and high production capacity are crucial for success — everything is now handled by Konica Minolta.