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1.1 SharePoint site

SharePoint is Microsoft’s platform for enterprise content management and sharing. It is also a place for social networking within organizations. The cloud edition, SharePoint Online, is included in most Office 365 subscriptions, and you need to subscribe to Office 365 to use SharePoint Online.
SharePoint is built as a hierarchy, where the highest level is the SharePoint tenant, followed by site collections. The lowest level is the list item column values.

1*Root site URL example:
2*Site URL example:
3*Page URL example:
4*Site URL example:

The core of SharePoint tenant is the site. All content added, and all work done in SharePoint is done within the context of a site. Each site has a huge number of settings that control how the site works and looks.
SharePoint apps always exists within a site. Each app has its own URL. There are 3 types:
  • Lists: is very much like a database or Excel table. It contains items such as appointments or events in a calendar list, contacts in a contact list or tasks in a tasks list. You can also create your own custom lists. Each list has many settings, for example which columns, views and permissions should be used on that list.
  • Libraries: A library can do almost everything that a list can do, and it has most of the same settings and features. The main difference is that lists contains list items, while libraries contain files (document libraries for example).
  • Other apps: These can look and behave in a wide range of ways. They can be purchased or build. There are lists or libraries.
Lists and libraries use columns to characterize the content with metadata and keywords.