You can create a new space in the portal. When you open the option panel with the Powell wheel, you can click on "Modern site" below the "Create a site collection" panel. A standard screen to create a site opens and you need to choose "Team site". 1. Click on button. 2. Click on "Modern Site" button. 3. Choose "Team Site" option. Then, you have to choose the design for your site between "Community", "Project" or "Team". 4. Choose a team site design (community/project/team group). 5. Enter a site name. 6. While you enter a group e-mail adress, the site address will be created automatically. 7. Enter a site description. 8. Choose the right of access. 9. Add additional owners/members. When you click on "Finish", the site will be created and you can access to all functionalities described below following the template you choose. The site is created immediately, but it takes several minutes for the template to be deployed and your new site to be visible in the list of Teams/Projects/Communities.escription.